Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dino Doodles

I think these dinos have become a daily thing now...  This guy shows the dangers of being too eager when eating candy.  Wrappers make you sick.

Shapes and Such

This started out as an attempt to figure out the shape of the bakery the girl is working in, but it kind of turned into different homes.  I'm having a hard time drawing "creative houses".  I think it's because I keep thinking in my mind "That won't work in the real world!"  I keep having to tell myself, "THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD, FOOL."  Art is hard, yo.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More doodles

During downtime at work I've been doodling these little dinosaurs on mini post its.  It turned into this, plus a whale.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What I've Been Up To

I've actually been doodling!  And creating little illustrations!  More doodles on the way, but I probably won't be able to scan them for a bit.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Recent Progress

I've been working on really finishing the submarine interior piece for CTN, and here it is:

I'm just going to leave it for a bit.  Here's what it looked like previously.

Christmas Candy Cards

I tried to make a birthday card for my grandma's 92nd birthday... and it turned into this.  (I'm really, really excited for Christmas!)

Can you tell I watched "Wreck It Ralph"?  

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sub City Exploration: Redone

Reworked the city I worked on- the city the submarine was supposed to explore.  Here's the previous post of what the city looked like.  And here's what I've got so far.  I'm debating about coloring it with a limited color palette.

Ultimately I want to animate characters jumping off the roofs/ building walls in the foreground into the middle ground/ background.  

Progress: Scratch what I said before.  I'm being fickle and I'm changing my mind BACK to my original idea.  I want the sub to be exploring this underwater city.


Lately I've been working on another submarine piece.  This time it shows her bedroom!  I've been trying to get better at coloring digitally and this piece showcases the skills I've been learning from all the awesome artists from the place I've been interning at!  They're all helping me so much- I can't believe how much I'm learning in such a short amount of time.

I've also been trying to work on a character design for the girl character/ trying to get better at drawing digitally.  I am proud to say that this girl was drawn COMPLETELY DIGITALLY.  Booya.  I apologize for her awkward pose- she's supposed to be holding mini-submarines.  I just haven't inked them yet.  Excuses, excuses, hurgh.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Trying Out Accurate Perspective Business

I've also been trying to do super accurate perspective drawing.  I didn't save the tracing paper that had all of my crazy lines for the bookcase on the left side, but they were intense- I got way too hung up on this project, but it was a good way to get back into accurate perspective drawing.  I think this started out as an accurate perspective drawing of the tree house "royal" bedroom that I posted earlier, but became something more...  The bottom image is the cleaned up linework.  Still not sure what I want to do with this, but I think for now I'm just leaving it alone.  I'm sure something'll come to me.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Water Movements

I was watching "Legend of Korra" awhile back and I was really inspired by the animation.  I decided to start animating again! [this time digitally since I don't really have access to a rapid scanner anymore]  I discovered that I love animating in Flash which I haven't touched since my semester abroad, so this was a fun experiment/ learning process.

Fun fact: when I first started this it had been about four-five months or so since I'd animated anything so it blew my mind that I could "make pictures move"...  I kept on scrubbing through the timeline giggling.  You know when you're a kid and you see cartoons on TV? I was that kid that stared at the TV a little too hard trying to figure out how they made the picture move.  So when I went to school and learned how they did it.... yeah, my mind was blown.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Submarine: Personality

Feeling a lot better after getting back into the art groove.  I tried working on this after I came home from work and I'm feeling a lot more productive.  Yay!  Just gotta keep this up.  This is the interior of her bedroom in the submarine from my previous submarine post.  My goal with this piece is to show her personality through details in the room.  I think I'm going to add most of the poster and postcard/ photo details on the walls in Photoshop as well as the color.  I based this off of the upper left thumbnail sketch from  my post two days ago.  I'm so happy my girlfriend encouraged me to sketch digitally.  It's so much fun!  I actually just did a digital test animation as well.  Hopefully I'll upload that soon, but I remember telling her, "Oh my goodness- I LOVE animating digitally.  Why did I not start doing this earlier?!"  She sighed because she was the one who had suggested I start animating digitally earlier.  Haha, I guess I should listen more closely to her advice.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Back On Track

It's been awhile, but I finally got back to working on some portfolio business!  Lately I feel like things have been constantly changing and right when I feel like things are about to settle down, BAM they change again.  Apparently that's how things are when you first start out?  Or so I've been told.  Gotta love change.  It truly is for the better. As for these thumbnails, I was trying to fart out ideas of how to show the girl's character through her environment.  I'm going to have to put more detail into the environment, but this is some basic blocking out of my thoughts.  This has been really really helpful in helping me visualize them (my thoughts).  I'm not sure if it's because I've only been working my part time recently, but my brain felt like everything was all jumbled and these thumbnails have finally pieced together all those ideas and thoughts.  Now I feel rejuvenated, reinspired and back on track.  LETS DO THIS THING.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Up and About Again!

Finally got to go outside and roam around LA tourist style!  The Getty was amazing.  I hadn't heard of Meier before that, so now I've been looking up more of his buildings and reading up on him.  Also, Klimt's drawings were so beautiful.  I'm so glad I got to see it.

Also got to see the promenade in Santa Monica.  Those dinosaur hedges with the metal heads freaked me out.  The lamp posts were gorgeous!!  I got yelled at by the security guards for jumping on one and whirling around on it like Natalie Portman in one of her movies though.  I guess the next time I do that I shouldn't do it right in front of the guards...

Celebrating my girlfriend getting an awesome job!!!  Yay shrimp scampi and finally trying out a new cafe!  Their food was delicious.

Gehry's concert hall was also wonderful to see!  I loved the silhouette it cut against the sky.  

Also got to see Hollywood Boulevard.  I LOVE Journey, so getting to see their star made me really, really happy.   All in all, it was a very happy successful event-filled day!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cities and Such

This will be the city that the sub will explore.  I looked at Greek ruins and Agrabah from "Aladdin" although I think this came out to look a bit more like Russian architecture.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tree Village: Large Treehouse Interior

Laid out the interior of the bigger treehouse in the tree village.  I had a great time problem solving how to put more than two rooms in one house!
I tried to show different personalities by the decorations in the room.  Also, here's some floor plans for the tree house!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tree Village: Treehouses

This is another one of the homes of the character- a treehouse... in a village of treehouses!

Inked it and am trying a new method of grayscaling it: I'm trying to just lay down large areas of gray.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Finished Submarine Room!

Adjusted more saturation in colors and here's what I've come out with!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with this color!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Submarine Interiors!

Here's the initial layout sketch of the inside of the submarine:

I'm trying color out!  I'm thinking that since the character is searching for her "perfect home" where she fits in she'll carry certain things from home to home.  For example, she loves baking and her bedroom is her safe haven which she populates with pictures of her ideal home, thus they have similar colorings [or will have similar colorings].  Here's my progress so far:

Please let me know about the colors and such!  [If they're working, etc]

Tried to change the saturation and such/ lighten some and darken others.  Please let me know what you think is working and what still needs some attention!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kids' Bedroom: Reworked!

I've gotten around to coloring one of the sketches I grayscaled for my thesis exhibition!  You'll recognize it from a previous post awhile ago.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Trying to make different submarine silhouettes:

Next, choosing a submarine and drawing a room!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Honda sketch

I had to get my car serviced because the "engine malfunction" light kept going on and so I drove for the first time on a FREEWAY.  I think I also drove on an eight lane freeway.  Let me break it down- I'm from Hawaii.  The largest highway we have is a four lanes.  No freeways.  Anyways, so I drove on the freeway with only my iPhone gps...   That was quite the adventure.  Here's what I drew while waiting in the Honda lounge:

Currently finished doing the linework in Photoshop!!  Onto coloring it!

Business Logo: Cupcake Style!

Made a new business logo image!  And of course, it's a.... CUPCAKE!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Research Drawing: Bedroom

I started looking up reference photos for a bedroom when I realized that d'oh!  I have a bedroom in my apartment!  So today was spent drawing my bedroom~

Going to trace over it in Photoshop to clean it up a little.  My next plan of action: draw the bathroom!!

Back again with the finished piece!  Decided to try a new style thanks to my awesome girlfriend (please check out Jean's blog if you have time as well)!  Let me know what you think!